8100489277 / 7003024578

image Our Vision

We want to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Together we can restore forests, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the world. Reforestation is one of the best ways to restore ecosystems that have been degraded and deforested. Plant trees to support restoration works.

Planting trees for Impact will contribute to :

  • image Growing healthy, resilient forests
  • image Encouraging Biodiversity
  • image Supporting local communities.Sustainable forestry practices can support long-term economic growth.
  • image Combating Pollution
  • image Battling Climate Change

image Our method

  • image We strictly avoid the use of harmful chemicals, pesticides and weed suppressants that can leach into the soil and/or groundwater.
  • image We use zero-waste techniques such as mulching, farm yard manure, and organic pest control to ensure that our drives are sustainable and cost-effective.
  • image Water is a precious resource. With less than 2.5% of the world’s fresh water reserves, India has to cater to almost 20% of the world’s population. To make every drop count, we have designed a low cost drip irrigation system, which increases survival rates while drastically reducing water consumption.

image Our Process

We work with local planting partners.Every individual, being a part of society, should have awareness & responsibility of giving back. Individuals have the power & potential to bring in change if channeled in the right direction. SUSTAINABLE SABUJ BHARAT helps you channel your potential towards a noble cause i.e donating and planting trees. Any individual who wishes to bring a change can join with us. Either you can donate a tree or you can volunteer.
