Why is tree plantation a great choice for CSR?
The Companies Act 2013 has put Corporate Social Responsibility in the forefront, with a ‘comply or explain’ mandate.
Companies with more than 5 crores INR as net profit for a year are now participating in the CSR activities.
More and more Indian companies are now helping the community and the environment. This mandate is now becoming not
just helpful to nature and the environment but to employees as human beings.
However, not all NGOs can help your company achieve your
SUSTAINABLE SABUJ BHARAT helps companies and organizations get the full out of their CSR funds.
Why is SUSTAINABLE SABUJ BHARAT good fit for your Corporate Social Responsibility project?
We believe in complete transparency regarding how your donation dollars are utilized.
When reviewing costs, we work together with our partners to determine how we can best support them within our reforestation model. Each project has a budget that covers specific primary costs.
According to your company’s CSR goals, you can donate a certain amount to SUSTAINABLE SABUJ BHARAT.
That amount is then distributed for various activities as per the agreement signed between us.
After we receive the donation, we use it to buy saplings to be planted & follow proper procedures that are necessary.
The trees will be planted by our volunteers & if you wish, you can join for the same.
We are committed to taking care of them until they become self sustainable.
Our volunteers take up the responsibility of taking care of the planted saplings throughout the year.
Planting trees is a selfless act & your CSR contribution towards the nature will inspire change and
contribute to a healthier planet and can mitigate the environmental impact of business operations.
The impact of these projects range from providing essential job opportunities to underprivileged communities, to reconnecting vital biodiversity corridors, restoring watersheds that provide drinking water for millions, and more...